Desktop research Fundamentals

Competences addressed/ learning outcomes expand_more
- Develop effective desktop research skills.
- Identify relevant information and sources of information.
- Identify the actual issue of research beyond the apparent issue.
- Evaluate and analyse research findings.
- Apply research findings to decision-making processes.
- Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
- To understand the importance of desktop research in acquiring knowledge and information.
- To understand the real research objective
- To learn effective techniques for conducting desktop research.
- To develop skills in evaluating and analysing research findings.
- To apply research findings to inform decision-making processes.
- To enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through research
Theoretical background expand_more
Desktop research, also known as secondary research, is the process of gathering information from existing sources to support various projects, studies, or decision-making processes. Desktop research plays a vital role in various domains, including academic research, business planning, market analysis, policy-making, and more. By leveraging existing information, researchers can save time and resources while gaining valuable insights to support their objectives. In desktop research it is also essential to identify the real challenge of research, instead of an apparent one, in order to have effective and impactful results.
Key Concepts in Desktop Research:
Defining Research Objectives: Clearly defining the research objectives is essential before starting desktop research. This step ensures that the gathered information aligns with the intended purpose of the study.

Identifying Reliable Sources: It is crucial to identify reliable and credible sources of information. These can include academic journals, reputable websites, government publications, industry reports, and expert opinions. Evaluating the credibility and relevance of sources is critical to ensure the reliability of the research findings. You can use the CRAAP Test (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose) to evaluate the credibility of sources.
Search Strategies: Effective search strategies enhance the efficiency of desktop research. By using appropriate keywords, advanced search operators, and Boolean logic, researchers can narrow down the search results and find relevant information more quickly.
Information Evaluation: It is important to critically evaluate the information gathered during desktop research. Assessing the reliability, accuracy, currency, and bias of the sources helps ensure the validity of the findings.
Data Synthesis and Analysis: Once the information is collected, researchers need to synthesize and analyze the data to extract meaningful insights. This step involves identifying patterns, trends, and relationships within the gathered information.
Core questions: Asking core questions can help comprehensively map the situation and help address root causes.
With a strong foundation in desktop research, individuals can enhance their ability to gather, evaluate, and utilize information effectively, thereby contributing to the achievement of their learning objectives across various domain.
Step-by-step implementation expand_more
Suitable tools for this exercise include: affinity diagram, how might we, mind map, 6 questions, stakeholder map, and circle of opportunities that you can find in the Social-up Toolkit.

Why? Desk research enables individuals to gain insights into the specific challenges, needs, and experiences of foreign bornwomen. This understanding is crucial for the development of effective social entrepreneurship initiatives that aim to address these challenges. By conducting desk research, one can explore successful social entrepreneurship models or initiatives that have been implemented in similar contexts or with similar target groups. This exploration helps individuals stay informed about relevant policies, regulations, and legal frameworks that impact social entrepreneurship and migrant women. Additionally, desk research allows individuals to gather information on topics related to their business idea and target groups, thus providing a comprehensive understanding of the landscape in which they operate.
How?1. Start by giving a short introduction to desktop research using the PowerPoint presentation Desktop Research PPT.
· Explain the concept and importance of desktop research in acquiring knowledge and information and how to conduct research effectively.
· Explain that desktop research skills are crucial for obtaining reliable data (verifying the credibility and reliability of sources), staying updated, and making informed decisions.
· Introduce different search strategies and techniques (search engines, databases, online libraries) for conducting effective desktop research.
2. Developing desktop research skills
Step 1. Select a research topic of your choice preferably pertaining to social entrepreneurship. For example, Investigating the Impact of Social Enterprises on X (e.g Poverty Alleviation), Assessing the Contribution of Social Entrepreneurship to X (e.g. Environmental Sustainability), Exploring the Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Empowering Marginalized Groups, Investigating the X of Social Enterprises (e.g. Financial Sustainability).

While social enterprises have been hailed as a promising solution to poverty, it is essential to critically assess their actual impact. This research acknowledges the need to go beyond mere assumptions and examine the real-world outcomes of social entrepreneurship in poverty alleviation efforts. By doing so, we can identify the gaps, challenges, and opportunities associated with social enterprises and their contributions to poverty reduction. To delve deeper into the research topic, a mind map can be constructed to explore the various aspects and dimensions involved. By visually mapping out these subtopics, their interconnections, and potential research questions, a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic can be achieved.
Step 2. Identify and describe three different types of research sources for your chosen topic using the form Desktop Research form. This is an evaluation for of the sources. Ensure that each source represents a distinct type. Examples include academic journal articles, government reports, news articles, blog posts, white papers, etc.
Step 3. Fill in the evaluation form for each source.
3. Discussion
Organize discussions within each group to encourage learners to share their chosen research topics and the rationale behind their selection. The learners can be divided into small groups to encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Each group can consist of 3 to 5 participants. The discussion can focus on the significance of social entrepreneurship within their chosen topic and how it aligns with their personal interests or professional aspirations. Design thinking tools such as "How Might We" questions can be used to frame the discussions and explore potential research directions. Working in groups allows learners to learn from each other's experiences, perspectives, and research strategies. It also promotes teamwork and problem-solving skills.
Time needed and group sizeexpand_more
GROUP SIZE: 15-20 learners
Materials needed for implementationexpand_more
· PowerPoint presentation Desktop Research PPT
· Evaluation form for the sources Desktop Research form printed or to be filled online.
· Access to search engines, databases, and online libraries
Examples of research articles or case studies for analysis and evaluation to find customised for each group
Further resources: Videos and/or useful linksexpand_more
Desk research: https://surveysparrow.com/blog/desk-research/
Desk research: https://www.userfocus.co.uk/articles/desk-research-the-what-why-and-how.html
TED Talk on 'How to use data to make a hit TV show' as an example of how data can inform decision-making processes.
Google Scholar and Directory of Open Access Journals.
Stickdorn, M., Lawrence, A., Hormess, M. E., & Schneider, J. (2018). This is service design doing: Applying service design thinking in the real world : a practitioners' handbook (First edition.). O'Reilly Media, Inc.